"O you who sit in gardens, My companions are listening for your voice... let me hear it!" Song of Songs

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How your marriage proclaims the gospel

Does that sound weird that your marriage proclaims the gospel everyday to the world? I believe that it does. If we are to become "one flesh" that one flesh is a direct reflection to the world of Jesus and your surrendered life to God! I think that is why as women we know when things need to be changed or prayed about why we go crazy when we know life and marriage are not going as we think they should and for some women they might not even fully understand why they feel like they are going crazy or unsettled. I have learned something this weekend. Something that stood out for me more than ever. When God created Adam first he then created Eve out of his side taking from Adam one rib...why? Because Adam would be the source of life for Eve and Eve his help meet. IF we were suppose to be separate he would have created them separately....ponder that for a while and the deeper meaning. I just can't get that out of my head today. The husband is the source of life and the wife is a help meet. The help meet being the person who makes sure things are on track spiritually between the two of you.

Romans 6:16 came to mind "Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?"

If we are "one flesh" as God described it, then this verse even has a deeper meaning for a married couple because if the husband is not being the source of life and presenting his life in
"Christ-likeness" to his wife with a surrendered humble attitude and the wife in turn is not responding ...things just will remain out of sync and the women is especially designed to recognize that. I feel of course it is a two-way street that both need to be before the Lord in this. But how did God design it? Well he created man first in the garden as the source of life then he created the women...so who should really initiate the process of obedience first? Who did he ask to become Christlike first? The man. Just some thoughts I had and have been learning if you want to know more


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