"O you who sit in gardens, My companions are listening for your voice... let me hear it!" Song of Songs

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's not about me, or is it?

I have felt I am good at taking critisism and dealing with cranky people, in fact I have given advice to others about how "not" to be so sensitive to others negativity. You know, go with the flow, it's not always about "YOU"! So lately I have been completely tested in this area....no, I would say attacked. I have a had a series of negative incidents and comments come my way and for the most part, bit my lip, smiled, and found the positive, ya know... moved on ( meanwhile noticing my fuse was diminishing... shorter and shorter....) BIG SIGH!
Well, the other day I failed, at least I saw it as a failure, at first. Without going in to detail, comments were made and they were directed "bulls-eye" right at me. So I did the usual, smiled, made a few enlightened positve comments, excused myself and went out behind the wall and cried my eyes out! I guess I had arrived at the limit...but then something happened. Instead of just letting it go (like usual) I decided to confront the person who made the comments to me and state how they made me feel, using "I" statements (of Course) I really have never felt the need to do that before. This time I was determined! So I did it and guess what??? It still was "NOT ABOUT ME" and we chatted laughed and I felt much better! Moral of the story: Be willing to confront on occasion if you feel the need! GOd is soooooo good, just trust in Him!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to Thee

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I met a Raw foodie today in my "Chair"

I met a youung man today! I thought he was close to my oldest sons age but he was actually 33 yrs old! He use to work in a raw food resteraunt in California. When he took off his hat his hair looked extra oily but had a familiar sent to it. He said he had been putting coconut oil in is hair to tame his thick mop of curly hair ( annoyingly gorgeous hair by the way)!! So we talked alot about his current job and the fact that he loves to eat raw good food. I would love to eat more this way also. I decied to add one of the places I have found ( I got them from my favorite marriage blog) that help get the juice's flowing.


Sugar Blog!

I think I want to go to this event! Hmmm thinking...thinking...


Friday, March 18, 2011

More "Chair" talk

My blog will probably take on many looks as I learn to play with all the idea's going on in my head...

I was thinking of more converstions I had in past chairs at different hair salons. I had this one client her name was Julia. She had a commanding presence about her. I actually felt a sudden urge to salute when she would come throught the door every Friday morning at 9. She was a Navy Nurse. I am not sure of her rank, I know she told me but I can't remember. Julia was a special lady she served during the Vietnam war and told of the time they were so scared to go anywhere that she would sleep with her gun under her desk in the hospital ward. There was one time however that she told me about when she was on a ship taking new army recruits to Germany and she had a special assignment. She was in charge of Elvis Presley. Because of his popularity he could not be put in to the regular population. She had to find jobs for him to do to keep him busy. Julia said he was a very repectful person and did all the jobs very well and he gave her no problems. In fact they became good friends and she was invited to dinner with his family.

Stories from the "Chair"

I started this blog a few years ago and I really didn't know what to do with it, or if I was even capable of writing anything. So... here I am trying to start again... inspired by all those faithful bloggers and people who have interesting things to say.

I have dicided to write about stories from the "Chair." I am a hairdresser and have had A LOT of ineresting conversations with people in my chair over the years. I'm hoping I can remember some of their stories to share.

For instance, today I heard one of them. I was feeling out of sorts today, not in a very good mood. In fact the whole week has had some interesting highs and significant lows. Here comes this lovely little man who has been in the salon many times to see other stylists, but today I got my turn with cutting his hair. He totally brightened my day. He is elderly and I'm sure close to 90. With a cane in hand he struggles to sit in my chair and we start to discuss his haircut breifly, and conversation insues... First he was telling me of a time period of when he lived in Nevada and an Indian woman cut his hair with a razor. But I was more interested in what work he use to do so I asked what he did at the time. He said he was in the Army and worked with the Police department and the FBI to supply them with necessary equipment for special assignments. I asked him to explain what kind of "assignments" ... "Well," he said "you remember the incident where that man made all those people drink poisen and die?" I said, "you mean Jim Jones?" "Yes," he said "that was a botched job... they were planning to go in and take him down. They would have saved all those people, but the Governer at the time had tried to talk to Jim Jones and warn him. That is why he did what he did, because he knew they were coming to get him. He said the Governer felt sorry for him and that is what killed all those people." Wow... super interesting and very sad story.